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I'm a bit short on time, so we'll keep this brief, but I do want to share a few items, so here goes...

-That's all she wrote.-

I hope you enjoyed the newsletter — if you have any questions or notice any errors, just send me a message!


Apocalyptically yours,


Read With Me: short stories

This one is a repeat from the last newsletter, because these turned out to be such good stories, and I'd love for a few more folks to give them a read and chime in on discussion. Also, if you've never read anything by Ken Liu, you need to remedy that, asap.​


Red Card by S.L. Gilbow

"Linda Jackson is a shy librarian who has just killed her husband and is on her way to turn in her red card."


The Tides by Ken Liu

"When I was little," Dad says, softly chuckling, "the Moon was so small I thought I could put it in my pocket, like a coin."

I don't answer because there's no time to talk. The tide is coming."



"In a world ravaged by a man-made pandemic, a remote farm community is the perfect place to hide—or is it? For a small group of survivors who escaped it might not be. Roamer Gangs and death squads are just two of the threats they face in a world knocked back to the 1800’s."


*NOTE: This is book 2, #1 is free!

"In 2079, mankind nearly destroys itself when it unleashes a devastating synthetic virus. Over the following centuries, however, the virus evolves into a beneficial symbiont that enhances and interconnects its human hosts, and a new post-human race is born: the Unathi. But in 2616, their peaceful utopia is violently disrupted when the symbiont begins to mutate into something terrible."

February Book Giveaways: last chance to enter!

Sorry, but we actually have no giveaways for March.

"How long will it be before a new, more deadly, and far more terrifying disease falls upon the human race? And what if we never find a cure for that one?

A cure for Alzheimer's has been found, but Reece is about to discover that it has been replaced by something far worse and this time, she might not be so lucky."

The Apocalypse Whenever book club: time to vote!

As of today, the nominations for 2017 are closed, and voting has begun. Next year we'll do this in two runs, so you won't have to wait a full year to add in new nominations.



MARCH: Wastelands 2 (anthology)

Last year we read the first set of stories, and it got some deliciously mixed opinions depending on the stories — with a positive rating overall. That's the beauty of an anthology; each story is a new opportunity to fall in love/be miserable/feel entranced/become pissed off. :-P Discussion is now open.


Join the discussion here.

Seabound (Seabound Chronicles Book 1) by Jordan Rivet 


Hell Holes: What Lurks Below by Donald Firesmith 


2084 by Mason Engel 


Revenants Season I: Episode I by Adam J. Williams et al. 


Frontier Justice (The Survivalist Book 1) by Arthur Bradley 


Post-Apocalyptic Nomadic Warriors (A Duck & Cover Adventure Post-Apocalyptic Series Book 1) by Benjamin Wallace 


Fractured Memories: A Post Apocalyptic Survival Story (Jagged Scars Book 1) by Jo Schneider


The Red King (Wyrd Book 1) by Nick Cole 


Mutation (Blood Survivors Book 1) by Nerys Wheatley


Survival Aptitude Test: Sound  (The Extinction Odyssey Book 1) by Mike Sheriff  (a book club nominee)


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